
Musicians for Service and Blessedness

Sattvatunes is a hub for musicians to connect, compose, and share their most inspiring works, fostering a community dedicated to spreading blessings globally

Man Wearing Denim Jacket Singing on Stage
Man Playing A Brown Wind Musical Instrument

Sattvatunes’ purpose is to be a nursery and protective sanctuary for a new wave of value oriented music – Neohumanistic music – on the World Wide Web. ‘Sattva‘ stands for ‘sentient’ i.e. a quality that promotes calmness and increases perceptiveness in a person.

If you as a singer, musician or writer eschew today’s violence, greed and passion based music, and have embarked on a musical path for wholeness and awakening (in spite of the lack of venues), please get in touch and see if sattvatunes.com is something for you. Imagination alone determines what we can do together . . .


Inspirational Music

We are starting sattvatunes this October 2024 because the World is calling out for medicine, any medicine at all to cure a serious case of disillusionment and heart ache.

Enough with glorifying meaningless gang violence in music. Enough with music that only seeks to feed the baser instincts in us all . . . Music is a Great Medicine and must thus be saved from the gutter and be brought to its inherent heights of beauty and power to heal, to the cupped hands of Suffering Humanity.

We hope you will join us in this endeavour! Stay in touch with us, and keep coming back. Every one of us is urgently needed, and every one of us have Music Divine inside to distribute

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